ABOUT राष्ट्रीय शिक्षक प्रशिक्षण संस्थान

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राष्ट्रीय शिक्षक प्रशिक्षण संस्थान is running under Pragti Education & Welfare Society (established in 2009)registered with Government under

Society registration act XXI of 1860 NCT of Delhi Govt. of India

ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Department of Social Justice & Empowerment

Department of Social Justice & Empowerment

Ministry of Labour & Employment

PM Daksh

Ministry of Women and Child Development


The motto of our institute is “Excellence in Teacher Education, Training, Consultancy and Research for Success”.We are introducing new courses In Teacher Education in the lowest fee structure basis, which help to middle and lower class family for admission in Teacher Education...

Infrastructure and Facilities.The Institute is located so as to be easily accessible through public transport.The Institute has spacious classrooms, computer labs, library, counseling desks, faculty workstations, discussion rooms, administrative blocks and other areas. A number of spacious, well-furnished and well-equipped lecture halls provide a conducive atmosphere for learning...

राष्ट्रीय शिक्षक प्रशिक्षण संस्थान also organized scholarship & training programs in school for the students, we got the appreciation letter from the school principals.

The Institute has started special programme for the development/awareness of Women and Girl by starting diversified activities as: organizing seminars/camps (legal awareness), providing free vocational teacher training and making them confidant to fight against atrocities etc.

we believe right to education is elementary right of every individual. The idea behind establishing Women College was again to encourage women empowerment and self reliance amongst females as gender equality is yet to be attained in rural areas and suburbs of the country.

Our Vision

To be a vibrant and innovative center for teaching, to endow students with information and skills in their chosen stream, inculcate values, identify hidden talents, provide opportunities for students to recognize their full potential and thus shape them into future teachers and above all good human beings.

Our Mission

We in an collective efforts with our extra ordinary faculty are devoted to achieve our target of facilitating theoretical, practical and work experience to aspiring teachers or engineers. We owe liability not only to our students but also to the society for better and bright future which is achieved by field visits, lectures by experts, guidance and counselling at various stages of curriculum development and execution. NTT ( Nursery Teacher Training ),PTT ( Primary Teacher Training ) Teacher Training Course .